Monday 25 June 2007

Road trip to Aspen

On another unbelievably hot day (91 degrees) we decided to head for the highest point we could find where it might be cooler - Up to Independence Pass and over the other side to Aspen. A very beautiful drive and the pass is only open for about three months each year, so we're really happy that we had the chance to get up there. The photos don't really do it justice but take a look anyway. Click here

Saturday 23 June 2007

Hot Summer Nights

... sponsored by Bud Light.

This is a fabulous Vail Summer tradition, every Tuesday evening there is a 'free' concert in the Gerald Ford Amphitheatre which is part covered and part outside. The accoustics are fab and the setting gorgeous, surrounded by mountains and pine trees.

Gavin called me from his bicycle to say people were arriving for something so get down here quickly, which I did. We had no idea what was showing and it turned out to be 'The Wailers' as in Bob Marley fame. They have a new lead and were utterly brilliant and we had a fantastic evening sitting on the grass drinking Margharitas listening to Reggae. We'll definitely be back but this week it is a famous Country and/or Western singer (not sure of the difference - if anyone can explain it would be much appreciated).

Anyway as usual click here for some pics!

Tuesday 19 June 2007

Beaver Creek Rodeo

Thursday night is Rodeo Night at Beaver Creek, we didn't manage to get any pics of the "Mutton Bustin" or the bareback riding, but plenty of barrel racing - I've certainly picked up a few tips for getting Hugo round the jump off a bit quicker!

For more action pics click here

Lake Dillon

Very boring for dogs is going shopping in Dillon where there are factory shops galore and lots of very cheap clothes for the humans, the only consolation for Nutty and I is that we get to stop at Lake Dillon on the way home which is fantastic for swimming - here are a few pics of us chasing sticks.

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This last picture is me refusing to come out of the water when it was time to go home!


Monday 11 June 2007

2326 Tahoe Drive

By popular request, here are some pictures of where we live

Click here for more

Gore Creek Walkie Pawkies


Click here to see a slideshow from our walkie pawkies
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Thursday 7 June 2007

Bear Hunting

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Yesterday Nutty and I went off to the lost lakes trail in search of bears, here we our in our new transporter, it has a nifty back window for viewing scenery and passing dogs but we're not allowed to jump of it - this hasn't stopped Nutty though. It doesn't smell like the Volvo but we're working on it!

We didn't see any bears despite checking behind lots of trees (and there are thousands) but here are some pictures anyway.

By the time we got home it had started snowing (in June!!)

Here we are dining al fresco on the deck.

More soon


Wednesday 6 June 2007

It was only a matter of time before the humans made it to the rodeo, and where better to start but at the World Championship Qualifiers, then out to dinner with a PSG dressage rider who has to travel 1000 miles to California for competitions!
horses...horses....horses... can't get away from them

Monday 4 June 2007

Dear world,
We've been abducted and taken to a New World where the rivers run VERY fast and the things in the bushes are much bigger than the deer in back woods!
As you can see I feel that it is best to keep a replica of the real bears in my mouth at all times except when swimming, this way the larger ones know that I mean business!
Can someone out there tell me why in the big country the sun keeps on arriving at 10 in the evening and goes away at 2 in the afternoon?
Gavin has finally caught up with us and seems to think that he has to go to work in the morning to help the colonials paint and decorate a mountain shack, not sure what we'll have to do all day. Boo seems to have found a dressage horse to ride in return for a load of mucking out. She keeps on mumbling about being too short but the new human is competing at PSG ( whatever that is?) and is also 5'2". Look like she has run out of excuses!
Anyhow, back to the park to meet of the long legged local Labradors to get good and wet and muddy so, must go...